white spots on nipple

What are these white spots on my nipples? It can be worrying when white spots appear in the nipples and the colored areas around them, known as the areolas. Fortunately, the white spots on the nipples and the areolas are no cause for concern on most occasions. White stains often result from a blocked nipple pore when someone is breast-feeding, or as a normal reaction to the changing levels of hormones within the body. In this article, we observe the following possible causes of white spots in nipples and areolas: We also observe symptoms, treatments, prevention and when to see a doctor. The Montgomery glands are the main white spots that become more visible due to pregnancy and hormone changes. The Montgomery glands are present in both the nipple and the surrounding areola. They contain a fat substance that keeps the nipples soft and flexible. that the smell of this oily substance encourages young babies to feed and helps them locate the nipple when they begin to breastfeed. SymptomsA change in the size and number of visible Montgomery glands in the nipple and areola is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This can occur even before or other signs of pregnancy. Montgomery glands can be filled with a waxy substance. The gland resembles one with a white or yellow head. These points are known as Montgomery Tuberculos. Women don't have to be pregnant or breast-feeding for this to happen. Other female hormonal changes can cause the same response. The causes of female hormonal changes are: Treatment and Prevention Montgomery tubercles are harmless, and no treatment is required when these changes or increases in number. These points should not be squeezed or spiced as this can introduce infection. People should see a doctor if they are concerned about the appearance of white spots on their nipples or are not sure why they have appeared. Small pores are openings of the nipple ducts that lead to milk chambers in the chest where the female body stores breast milk. When someone is breast-feeding, pores and nipple ducts can be blocked with milk. Symptoms and treatments vary, depending on the length of time that stays blocked. SymptomsBringed pore When a nipple pore is blocked for the first time, a white point may appear in the nipple. This is also known as a stain. Blocked pores can be painful but are usually cleaned by suction during the next feeding of the baby. Light blister If the skin grows on the opening of the blocked fat pore, a blistering of milk can be formed. The area around the white stain often starts to be red and swollen. Blocked behavior When a nipple pore remains blocked, the milk duct leading from the milk chamber can also be blocked and inflated. A lump and swelling are often formed under the blocked nipple pore. Increased levels of pain and breastfeeding can be very uncomfortable. A blocked duct can lead to complications, such as mastitis and breast abscesses if not treated quickly. Treatment A blocked nipple pore is often cleaned naturally during the next feed. When the nipple pore is not unlocked by itself, the individual can take steps to help. These include:When the skin grows on the nipple pore and forms of blistering milk, previous treatments may not always unlock the nipple pore. People should seek advice from a doctor or midwife if this happens. Pore may need to be reopened using a sterile needle to break the skin. A person who does this should be very careful, as he can enter infection in the nipple and breast. Prevention Some can be taken to help prevent blocked pores and nipple ducts. These include:If blocked pores and ducts continue to occur, people should seek advice from someone with proper training that can check that the baby is placed and drawn correctly. A person should seek medical advice if one of the following occurs: In these cases, mastitis or an infection may be present. Less often, an infection causes white spots on nipples. Infections can be caused by fungus, viruses, or bacteria. Although anyone can develop an infection in nipples, mothers who breastfeed and people with weakened immunity are at greater risk. Nipple infections that can cause white spots include: ThrushThrush is a fungal infection that is more common in the vagina. It is also known as a yeast infection. Newborn babies can develop a brush in the mouth and then infect the broken and cracked skin of their mother's nipples when they breastfeed. The symptoms of the perter are a white eruption, followed by red skin, pained and swollen in the nipples. HerpesThe simple herpes virus causes herpes. Herpes is one that the mother can pass from the birth channel to the mouth and eyes of the newborn. The newborn can then spread the virus to the breasts of the mother. Herpes symptoms are blisters full of fluid that form crusts when they explode. Subbareolar abscessSybareolar abscesses are accumulations of breast tissue caused by bacterial infections. They are not common and are often the result of mistreated mastitis. These abscesses are not always linked to breastfeeding and can also be caused by bacteria that enter the breast tissue through a wound, such as or a nipple-piercing. Symptoms of a subareolar abscess are a painful lump with bloated and bloated skin. Treatment If someone thinks they may have an infection of their nipples or breasts, they should seek medical advice from a doctor. Each infection requires different treatments. ThrushFor yeast infections, the mother and the baby are treated with antifungal drugs. HerpesHerpes can have serious consequences for the baby's health, and therefore the quick treatment is vital. A week of antiviral drugs are usually given to both the mother and the baby. Subbareolar abscessesSbareolar abscesses often require a course of . Sometimes, if they do not heal, an operation is necessary to drain pus from the breast tissue or completely remove a duct. Other causes of white spots in the nipples that are less common include: Pregnancy and breastfeeding often cause white spots on nipples and breast isolates. Some points may be caused by infection or other serious conditions, however. Breast cancer is cancer and the second highest cause of deaths among women in the United States. The recommended method for improving breast health and reducing the risk of breast cancer is and recognizing changes in the breasts. If someone cares about their breasts or nipples and any change in them, they should always seek medical advice from a doctor. Last medical review on March 17, 2018Most recent newsRelated coverage
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